Vibration testers Dynamic vibration test systems

Accurately simulate the effects of transportation to protect shipments - from individual product or package testing to palletized and unit load testing.
Lansmont - Vibration tester

Whether you are testing bare products, individual packages, full pallet loads, or much larger crated systems, we will have a vibration system that is tailored to your testing applications.

Selection of a vibration testing system is based on the size and mass of your largest test specimen, as well as the vibration performance required. Vibration performance refers to the frequency range (Hz) and acceleration level. It is also important to know the type of vibration required, eg sinusoidal or random. Our consultative sales process will ensure the perfect fit for your business requirements.

Lansmont’s standard vibration test systems include:

  • single control system for all operational and safety functions
  • reliable, self-contained hydraulic power supply
  • initiation and system level training
  • comprehensive one-year warranty on all components

We also offer complete applications training programs to ensure you get the greatest value from your investment.

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Discover excellence in vibration testing

Lansmont has been at the forefront of vibration testing technology for decades, consistently providing cutting-edge solutions that cater to a wide range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, electronics, packaging, and more.